Two academic courses are at the heart of this program. The courses have been designed not only to be rigorous, providing knowledge and information, but also to help students develop leadership skills that will be useful for the rest of their life. Each course will provide three units of academic credit, for a total of six units.
1. Models of Leadership – From Deborah to Ben-Gurion to You
No matter where we go or what we do with our lives, there are times and situations when we are required to demonstrate leadership. But what does leadership mean? And how can we use our own leadership styles and skills to effect change? This course will provide a foundation in models of leadership and change management. Lectures, readings, film clips, field study, and outside speakers will help to portray the leadership journeys others have taken and to help students explore and continue to strengthen their own leadership skills. In the context of this course and utilizing the knowledge and skills gained in the entire program, students will design a project to implement in their college or communities.
2. Israel: Successes, Challenges, and Creative Solutions
This course will trace and analyze the history of Israel and the Middle East from the mid-19th century to today. The course will be taught through lectures, eye witnesses, movies, field trips, articles and a text, “Israel: A Concise History.” This text offers a nuanced history that encourages the reader to judge this period of history, critically, thoughtfully, and independently.
Additionally, this course will offer students the rare opportunity to directly encounter the places and people involved in making history.