
Professional Development

Professional Development 2021-05-05T06:11:03+00:00

The Department of Jewish Peoplehood facilitates professional development for teachers in Israel and the United States who coordinate School-to-School programs. Professional development workshops explore Jewish identity, Jewish Peoplehood, and Israel’s relationship with world Jewry. Participants receive tools and methods for facilitating the School-to-School curriculum.

The highlight of the series of professional development sessions is when the delegation of teachers and principals from the US visits their partner schools in Israel. The Israeli and American teachers build connections on a personal and professional level and work together face-to-face to develop the curriculum.

In addition, the Department of Jewish Peoplehood facilitates professional development for early childhood educators in Haifa who are involved in the Boston-Haifa Connection. They participate in four sessions exploring Jewish identity, Jewish Peoplehood, pluralism, and world Jewry. Each session combines a lecture and experiential workshop. The last session is an educational field trip to Tzippori, where the group explores questions of creativity and multiculturalism.

These professional development programs create a learning community of educators dedicated to Jewish Peoplehood.