
International Teaching Practicum

International Teaching Practicum 2018-09-20T06:35:36+00:00

Practice teaching in a foreign country gives the next generation of teachers the opportunity to gain intercultural competencies, develop global awareness, and cultivate a sense of responsibility to the larger world. Student teachers bring their international teaching experience back to the classroom, becoming educators who are better able to respond to cultural diversity among their students, and who help their students to become responsible and ethical global citizens.

Live, Teach, and Learn in Israel

Oranim International School facilitates an international teaching practicum in Israel for visiting education students from abroad. Students live, teach, and learn in Israel, experiencing life in Israel first-hand beyond the media reports. They observe and teach alongside a mentor teacher in Hebrew and Arabic speaking schools, giving them a window into the diversity of the Israeli educational system and Israeli society. Practicum students also become part of the school community by participating in a range of extra-curricular activities and community events. School placements include early childhood, elementary, and secondary school settings, as well as special education.

In addition to their teaching, students:

  • Volunteer at local community organizations;
  • Interact with Israeli student teachers from Oranim College of Education;
  • Attend lectures and workshops by top Israeli faculty on education, Israel, and the Middle East;
  • Travel to exciting sites in the field to learn more about education and Israeli society.

Educating for Sustainability

For those who wish to, students have the opportunity to learn about sustainability education in Israel through volunteering at Oranim’s beautiful botanical garden (a center for environmental education) and meeting with top Oranim faculty in the field.  In addition, students can develop and implement sustainability projects in their school placement sites.

Hear students and faculty from Monash University in Australia describe their experiences on the international teaching practicum in Israel hosted by Oranim:

Dr. Angela Fitzgerald, Monash University faculty

Prue Etherington, Monash University student